Wedding Anniversary

My parents have been married 28 years today!  It amazes me that people can still love each other for so long and still find time to be romantic.

My dad is not the most thoughtful guy out there.  I’ll admit, sometimes he forgets when my birthday is or how old I am.  He never forgets his wedding anniversary though!  I’ll share what he did for my mom today because I think its really quite sweet.

He came home early from work today and brought back a cute little cake for my mom.  He also surprised her by bringing back her favorite kind of fruit tea.  We all went out to dinner together (why they brought me along, I don’t know) and afterwards, they enjoyed their cake and tea while watching movies on their Ipad.  Is it just me, or do Asian people have a greater-than-normal fascination with the Ipad?

What the point of this post is is that no matter how long you’ve been with someone or how comfortable you’ve gotten, it never gets any less sweet to do something nice for your significant other.

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